Section one:
Key words:
jury 陪審團 (a body of persons, usually twelve in number, summoned by law and sworn to hear a case in court and render a verdict)
sentense 判決 (The sentence was ten years in prison.)
jail 監獄 (short term sentence)
prison 監獄 (serious crimes , for example, murder)
rape 強暴
shoplift 冒充顧客在商店內偷竊(商品)
manslaughter 過失殺人
mercy killing 安樂死
euthanasia 安樂死
assault 侵犯人身,攻擊
juvenile 青少年
delinquent 青少年罪犯
parole 假釋
probation 緩刑,試用期
Expample sentence:
community service ==> 10 hours of community service
A 5-year suspended sentence.
A 3-year sentence with a chance of parole in 1 year.
A 2-year susoended and 120 hours of community service.
Section two:
Key words:
marijuana 大麻 (pot,grass,mary jane,weed) ==> smoke a joint
ecstasy 搖頭丸
heroin 海洛因
cocaine 古柯鹼
zombie 殭屍
addicted = hooked 上癮的
prescription drugs 處方簽用藥
reformed addict