A huge earthquake occurred and shook Japan , and a few minutes a horrible tsunami came into the land several kilometers deep then washed away boats, cars and houses in the coastal area north of Tokyo , and pressed forward destroying them. Even the nuclear power stations also suffered serious damage causing another crisis of radiation risks.
Nuclear power plants exploded and caused radiation leakage, and it is getting worse and even almost out of control. For example, the four reactors exploded one after another, and the Tokyo Power Company currently has no way to control and stop the crisis. If the temperature of nuclear reactors can not be lowered, the nuclear reactors will completely explode and it will cause the most serious radiation disaster. People's life will be at the highest risk, and the economy will suffer a serious losses. For example, if people exposure to high doses of radiation will cause cancer or death, or even make defective babies in the next generation via parents' genetic.
The radiations are so terrible, and it will be spread to the world through the wind and air. That's the reason why the whole world hope the nuclear crisis in Japan can be controlled and solved.