The design of appropriate & innovative IT services..
including their architecture, process,policies & documentation..
to meet current and future agree business requirements'
-- To create a realistic service outline with:
. Policy regarding service quality
. Architecture design
. Models for delivery
. Appropriate Technology
. Process & Measurement design
-- Provide guidance on development of Services, Models & processed
-- The main deliverable is the SERVICE DESIGN PACKAGE(SDP)
. A SDP details all aspects of the service and its requirements during the design stage through all of the subsequent stages of its lifecycle.
. Produced for each new IT service, major change or IT Service Retirement
-- Service Level Management
-- Service Catalogue Management
-- Availability Management
-- Information Security Management
-- Supplier Management
-- Capacity Management
-- IT Service Continuity Management
Service Design - Objectives
-- Guidance on the design and development of:
. Services and Service management processes
-- No limited to new services
-- "Holistic' approach
. To ensure service consistency & integration
. Must consider all activities & processes & IT technology
Service Design - Business Value
-- Deliver reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
-- Improve overall quality of services
-- Improve consistency of services
-- Make implementation of owner changed services easier
-- Increased Service management & IT processes effectiveness
Service Design - Key Principles & Models
. Importance of the 4P's
-- People
-- Processes
-- Prodcuts
-- Partners
If we agree that PEOPLE is the greatest challenge; what could we attribute this to?
. 5 elements of Service Design
1. Service Portfolio Design
2. Business Requirements & Service Design
3. Technology Design
4. Process Design
5. Measurement Design
Service Portfolio Design
-- Service Portfolio
. Assists with clarifying question like:
- Why should a customer buy these services?
- Why should they buy these services from you?
- What are they pricing or chargeback models?
- what are my strenght & weakness, priorities & risks?
- How should my resources & capabilities be allocated?
-- Service Portfolio
. Part of Sevice Knowledge Management System (SKMS)
. Registered in Configuration Management System (CMS)
1.Service Portfolio Design
Design factors for the Service Portfolio
. Service name
. Service description
. Service status
. Service classification and criticality
. Applications used
. Business processes supported
. Busness owners & Businss users
. Service warranty level, SLA and SLR references
. Supporting services
. Supportng OLAs, cnracts and agreements
. Service costs
. Service charges
. Service revenue
. Service metrics
2.Busness Requirements & Service design
A. Analyse agreed business requirements
B. Review existing capability
C. incorporate Service Acceptance Criteria (SAC) requirements
D. Evaluate & cost alternative designs
E. Agree expenditure & budget
F. Re-evaluate & confirm business benefits (ROI & TCO)
G. Agree preferred solution against Service Level Requirement (SLR)
H. Check consistency with corporate & IT strategies
I. Confirm inclusion - Corporate, IT governance & security controls
J. Complete IT readiness assessment - ensure effective operability
K. Establish supplier & supporting agreements
L. Assemble Service Design Package (SDP) for subsequent stages
3. Technology Design:
-- Provide overall strategic development & deployment blueprints for architectures & management systems
Architecture design = development and maintenance of IT policies, strategies, designs, documents, plans and processes
-- Guidelines for Technology Design
. Re-use existing assets where possible
. Look to use standard technology models
4. Process Design
-- Create or follow existing process model
. Process model = structured set of activities to accomplish a specific objective.
- Takes one or more inputs and turns them into defined outputs.
- Includes roles, responsibilities, tools and management controls.
- A process may also define or revise policies, standards, guidelines, activities, processes, procedures, and work instructions if they are needed.
-- Process control
. Planning and regulating a process, with the objective of being effective, efficient and consistent.
5. Measurement Design
-- Cross over with Continual Service Improvement (CSI)
. If you can't tmeasure it then you can't manage it.
-- Measurement asks : Is the design
. Fit for purpose
. at the appropriate level of quality
. Right first time
. minimize "rework" & "add-ones"
Service Provider Types
-- Type I - Internal Service Provider
-- Type II - Shared Service Provider
-- Type III - External Service Provider
Service Design Packge
-- Developed for new IT services, Major changes, or IT retirements.
-- Defines all aspects of an IT service and its requirements for each stage of its lifecycle.
Contents of the Service Design package
-- Requirements
. Busness requirements
. Service applicability
. Service contacts
-- Service Design
. Service functional requirements
. Service level requirements
. Service operational management requirements
. Service design and topology
-- Organizational readiness assessment
-- Service lifecycle plan
. Service program
. Service transition plan
. Service operational acceptance plan
Service Design - Processes
. Service Level Management
. Service Catalogue Management
. Capacity Management
. Availability Management
. Service Continuity Management
. Information Security Management
. Supplier Management
Service Level Management
. Objectives - Ensure clear understanding between customer & IT
- Proactive enhance level of services
- Drive customer "satisfaction"
. Scope - negotiate & agree
-- Current requirements (SLA)
-- Future requirements (SLR)
- Develop & manage
-- SLA (aligned to targets)
-- OLAs to support SLAs
- Review contracts with Suppliers
- Oversee Service Improvement Plan (SIP)
. Basic concepts
- Service Level Management (SLM)
. A communication channel & relationship with appropriate customers & business representatives.
- Service Level Requirement (SLR)
. A set of targets and responsibilities documented and agreed prior to a new serice or change
- Service Level Agreement (SLA)
. Written agreement between an IT service provider & the IT customers, defining the key service targets and responsibilities of both parties.
- Operational Level Agreement (OLA)
. Agreement between an IT service provider & another part of the same organisation that assists with the provision of services.
- Underpinning Contract (UC)
. Formal contract between an IT Service Provider & a Third Party.
- Service Review
. Held periodically with customer
. Review Service Achievement for the last period
. To discuss issues for the coming period
- Service Improvement Plan (SIP)
. Plan of prioritising improvement actions
. Covers all sevices and processes
. Includes Impacts and risks
- Contract
. A legally binding agreement between two or more parties.
- Service Level Agreement Monitoring (SLAM) Chart
. Used to give a quick view of SLA's performance at a glance
. Uses RAG (Red, Amber, Green) colour codes
. Red: Breached; Orange: Threatened; Gree: Within Target
- Types of SLA Frameworks
. Service-based SLA
-- SLA covers one services for all customers of that service
. Customer based SLA
-- Cover one customer group for all the services they use.
. Muti-level SLA
-- Can cover several layers of the organisation
-- Corporate level
-- Customer level
-- Sevice Level
. Key Metrics
- Percentage reduction in:
-- SLA targets threatened
-- SLA targets missed (minor)
-- SLA breaches (major)
- Percentage increase in:
-- Customer perception & satisfaction of SLA achievements
. Services reviews
. Customer Satisfaction Survey responses
. Roles : Service Level Manager
- Be aware of changing business needs
- Identify & understand current and future service requirements
- Responsible for:
. Service Portfolio
. Service Catalogue
. Application Portfolio
- Enur UC's align with SLA & SLR targets
- manage relationships with stakeholders, customers, users
- Measure, record, analyze & improve customer satisfaction.
-- IT perception to business can be low
-- Identifying planned services (service portfolio)
-- Defining the Service Catalogue
-- Defining IT department relationships (for OLAs)
-- Identifying contractual relationships (for UCs)
Service Catalogue Management
. Objective
-- To manage the inforamtion within the Service Catalogue
. Roles:Service Catalogue manager
-- Record existing & new services in Service Catalogue
-- Verify Service Catalogue information is accurate
-- Ensure consistency of Service Catalogue & Service Portfolio information
-- Backup Service Catalogue information & ensure integrity.
Capacity Management
. Objective
-- Produce (and maintain) Capacity Plan
-- Give advice on capacity & performance issues
-- Deliver against performance targets
-- resolve performance & capacity related incidents & problems
-- Assess changes on capacity & performance
-- Implement service improvement measures
. Three sub-processes
-- Business Capacity Management
-- Service Capacity Management
-- Component Capacity Management
. Role : Capacity Manager
-- Ensure adequate IT Capacity
. Understand capacity requirements, usage and capacity
. sizing new services & systems (future requirements)
. Production, review & revision of the Capacity Plan
-- Aligning capacity & demand correctly
-- Optimise existing capacity
-- Set appropriate monitoring levels
. Performance analysis & reporting
. Performance & resource optimisation
. Impact & cost assessment
-- Focal point for capacity & performance issues
Availability Management
.Availability is at the core of user satisfaction.
-- Produce (and maintain) the Availability Plan
-- Provide advice & guidance on Availability issues
-- Ensure service availability targets are met/exceeded
-- Diagnosis & resolution of availability related incidents & problems
-- Assess impact of changes on Availability Plan
-- Ensure proactive measures to improve availability of services
.Basic concepts
-- Key elements:
. Reactive activities
. Proactive activities
-- Aspects of Availability
. Component availability
. Service availability
-- Four aspects
. Availability
. Reliability
. Maintainability
. Serviceability
. Role : Availability Manager
-- Participate in IT infrastructure design
. Design of new services
. Availability & recovery design criteria
-- Monitor actual IT availability achieved
. Check and report availability levels against SLAs
-- Assess and manage risk
-- Review impact of changes on Availability Plan
-- Ensure cost justified levels of IT availability
Service Continuity Management
-- Maintain IT Service Continuity & IT recovery plans
-- Complete Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
-- Consider risks & how to minimize
-- Establish recovery mechanisms
-- Investigate and implement improvement measures.
.Basic concepts
-- Business Continuity Management (BCM)
. Manages risks that could seriously affect the business
. Plans for the recovery of Business process should disruption occur
. Sets the scope and requirement for ITSCM
-- Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
. plan defining steps required to restore business process after disruption
. Identifies triggers for invocation, people to be involved, communication, etc
. ITSCM forms significant patr of Business Continuity plans
-- Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
. Assesses what impact the business will have should a particular service, process, component, etc, fail.
-- Risk Analysis
. Assesses what the chances of disaster are.
.Role: ITSCM Manager
-- Connect ITSCM to the BCM process
. Plans, risks & activities
. Communication & awareness
-- Develop & maintain continuity awareness
. Look for danger
. maintain service continuity plan
. Ensure IT "preparedness"
. review third party cintracts
-- establish and manage testing schedule
. Check conformance to plan & improve
-- Assess change impact on recovery solutions
Inforamtion Security Management
. Objectives
-- Manage Confidentiality
-- Maintain Integrity
-- Ensure Availability
-- Also focus on third party exchanges
. Authenticity & non-repudiation
. Basic concepts
-- Establish an Information Security Policy
-- Create a Security framework
-- manage the Information Security management System (ISMS)
.ITIL v3 approach to Security
-- 5 step approach
1. Control
2. plan
3. Implement
4. Evaluate
5. Maintain
. Role : Security manager
-- Information Security Policy & supporting policies
. Communicate & publish
. Enforcement
. Promote
-- Security control & plans
. Procedures - security controls
. maintain, review & audit, test
-- review breaches & incidents
. Impact & volumes
-- Check adherence to Policy
Supplier Management
. Objectives
-- Deliver "value for mony"
-- Align underpinning contracts & customer agreements
-- Mange supplier relationships & performance
-- Negotiate, agree & manage contracts through their lifecycle
-- Maintain supplier policy and Supplier & Contract Database (SCD)
. Supplier
-- Third Party Responsible for supplying goods or services required to deliver IT services.
. Role : Supplier Manager
-- Work with SLM on SLAs, contracts, agreements,etc.
. Business alignment
. Roles & relationships
-- Manage the Supplier & Contracts Database (SCD)
. Changes to SCD via Change Manage process
. Impact assessment of supplier changes - CAB
-- Perform supplier review & risk assessment
. Beware of supplier sub-contractors
. Ensure value (ROI)
-- Manage Disputes
.Termination / transfer
. Reporting & improvement